Your coin comes from escorting caravans, tracking fugitives, or lending your blade to a cause. You've been a savior, an executioner, a hero, and even a villain. Yours is not a solitary path, however: you'll always have your horse.
You have a Short Physique,
Skin, and Frizzy
Hair. Your Face is
Rakish, your
Speech Formal. You
have Livery Clothing. You are
Tolerant and
You are 45 years old.
🙛 Attributes
HP: 1
Armor: 1
STR: 3
DEX: 4
WIL: 5
🙛 Equipment (9)
Rations (3 uses)
Torch (3 uses)
Long sword (d10, bulky)
Leather jerkin (1 Armor)
Crossbow (d8, bulky)
Death-Whistle (1/1 charges)
Rolled-Up Map (petty)
Gold: 6
🙛 Special
Rivertooth (6
🙛 Bonds
A roaming storyteller once spun you tales of great treasure hidden deep in the Wood. You thought it naught but fancy, till they gave you A Rolled-Up Map (petty) marked with an X.
Rolled-Up Map: A roaming storyteller once spun you tales of great treasure hidden deep in the Wood. You thought it naught but fancy, till they gave you A Rolled-Up Map (petty) marked with an X.
🙛 Omens
A night-blooming flower once thought extinct is sprouting up throughout the Wood. Its scent is intoxicating, but also causes vivid nightmares.
🙛 Your Past
What personal code or principle do you uphold?
To the death, always: You never back down from a fight, no matter the odds. Take a Death-Whistle, 1 charge. Its scream frightens away all who hear it (save WIL or flee). Recharge: Capture the final breath of a dying warrior.
What breed is your horse?
Rivertooth: Impressively strong, capable of carrying heavy loads. 4 HP. +6 slots (only +2 slots if carrying two people).